Handbook of Porous Materials

UvA Researchers Collaborate on New Handbook of Porous Materials

A group of authors including researchers and alumni from the Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) have just completed a four-volume reference work covering the fundamentals and key applications of porous materials. This “Handbook of Porous Materials” will be published in November by World Scientific Publishers in a digital and a print edition. Editors-in-Chief are Prof. Gadi Rothenberg, chair of the Heterogeneous Catalysis & Sustainable Chemistry group at HIMS, and Prof. Vitaly Gitis of Ben-Gurion University, an UvA alumnus and visiting fellow at the Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry.

Over the last years, coordinating the efforts of 37 expert authors, the pair constructed the story of porous carbons, ceramics, zeolites and polymers from varied viewpoints: surface and colloidal science, materials science, chemical engineering, and energy engineering. The result is a hefty reference work of four-volumes, containing 14 chapters and more than 1500 pages. The reader will find many high-quality colour illustrations and examples, as well as thousands of up-to-date references to peer-reviewed articles, reports and websites for further reading.

The collaboration includes chapter authors from all over the world, yet the expertise of UvA researchers and alumni is highly visible, including volume editors Tony Kiss (now chair of Chemical Engineering at the University of Manchester) and David Eisenberg (now group leader at the Technion) and chapter authors David Dubbeldam, Marjo Mittelmeijer, Sofia Calero (now professor at TU/e), Thijs Vlugt (now professor at TU Delft) and Raimond Bonné (now at Technology Manager at EuroSupport BV). The handbook also makes use of Dubbeldam’s open-access iRASPA visualisation software to create colourful three-dimensional structure images.

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