Recommended video series

Introduction to OpenCL
Introduction to OpenCL David Black-Schaffer
Introduction to OpenCL basic concepts: global and local dimensions, compute kernels, the OpenCL runtime architecture, data movement, OpenCL Hello World example, advanced OpenCL features, and overview of top performance optimizations
OpenCL Optimization Tutorial
OpenCL Optimization Tutorial David Black-Schaffer
Tutorial on accelerating a simple PDE solver on a GPU using OpenCL. Includes how to offload data and compute to the GPU, optimizing for data transfers, implementing reductions, and optimizing for data coalescing. Duration: 7 episodes.
OpenCL Tutorials
OpenCL TutorialsDavid Gohara
the Open Computing Language (OpenCL) will be introduced. Background information on what it is, why it's needed and how you can use it to help speed up numerically intensive calculations will be presented.

Recommended books

OpenCL in Action is a thorough, hands-on presentation of OpenCL, with an eye toward showing developers how to build high-performance applications of their own. It begins by presenting the core concepts behind OpenCL, including vector computing, parallel programming, and multi-threaded operations, and then guides you step-by-step from simple data structures to complex functions.


Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL 2.0 teaches OpenCL and parallel programming for complex systems that may include a variety of device architectures: multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and fully-integrated Accelerated Processing Units (APUs). This fully-revised edition includes the latest enhancements in OpenCL 2.0.


Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL, Second Edition teaches OpenCL and parallel programming for complex systems that may include a variety of device architectures: multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and fully-integrated Accelerated Processing Units (APUs) such as AMD Fusion technology. It is the first textbook that presents OpenCL programming appropriate for the classroom and is intended to support a parallel programming course. Students will come away from this text with hands-on experience and significant knowledge of the syntax and use of OpenCL to address a range of fundamental parallel algorithms.


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